In order to comply with and support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Hungary’s new National Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 was approved by the Hungarian Government and published on the official website of the Government on 8 August 2023.
The National Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 is the third comprehensive plan to preserve the wealth of our natural resources, and our diversity of species and habitats, which is exceptional in European comparison.
In the course of elaborating the National Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, we aimed to adhere to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework as well as the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, while considering national characteristics. Additional objectives were to address the problems identified by the SWOT analysis and to highlight the main environmental and socio-economic characteristics of Hungary as well as the specificities of the most important relevant sectors. The NBS analyses the state of biodiversity and it identifies the following three strategic areas and 19 objectives to manage national problems, keeping the 2030 national vision in mind.
Objective 1: Establishing a coherent network of protected areas, improving the status of protected areas and Natura 2000 sites, and ensuring an appropriate conservation management.
Objective 2: Restoring degraded ecosystems, preserving and restoring their natural resources and service-providing capacity.
Objective 3: Improving the status of species in an unfavourable conservation status.
Objective 4: Reducing the populations and preventing the further spread of invasive alien species (IAS) damaging natural and near-natural ecosystems, and preventing the introduction and establishment of potentially dangerous invasive species in Hungary.
Objective 5: Protecting species threatened by commercial exploitation.
Objective 6: Reducing pollution threatening biodiversity.
Objective 7: The release of genetically modified organisms (GMO) into the environment does not threaten biodiversity.
Objective 8: Assessing the status of pollinators, halting their decline, and maintaining and restoring pollination as an ecosystem service.
Objective 9: Increasing understanding of the correlations between climate change and biodiversity conservation, improving the resilience of ecosystems, and conserving biodiversity to mitigate the effects of climate change and facilitate adaptation.
Objective 10: Promoting sustainable and mosaic farming, taking into account biodiversity conservation and the aspects of environmental and landscape protection, and mainstreaming biodiversity conservation in the Common Agricultural Policy.
Objective 11: Conserving and ensuring access to genetic resources and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from their use.
Objective 12: Conserving existing natural and old-growth forests, expanding forest areas of high biodiversity value, and developing a forest structure favourable for biodiversity conservation and enhancement.
Objective 13: Ensuring sustainable game and fisheries management that does not compromise biodiversity regeneration.
Objective 14: Promoting sustainable water management, water retention, and the reasonable and economical use of water to conserve biodiversity and to sustain ecosystem services.
Objective 15: Coordinated development, maintenance, and improvement of the elements of green infrastructure.
Objective 16: Evaluating ecosystem services and integrating conservation and restoration considerations into relevant sectoral policy decision-making processes to better conserve and restore their service-providing capacity.
Objective 17: Raising awareness on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, ensuring that the conservation-related activities are evidence-based.
Objective 18: Shaping attitudes, creating and disseminating awareness of the importance of biodiversity and the conservation of Hungary’s natural resources.
Objective 19: Strengthening international cooperation for biodiversity conservation.
You can download the National Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 in English here: