International news

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Monthly Bulletin of Activities of the CBD, January 2011.

The Electronic Version of the Publication "The Convention on Biological Diversity Year in Review 2010" Is Now Available.

Press Release: Mexico Signs Nagoya Protocol on Genetic Resources: Megadiverse Country is the Fifth Signatory to the Historic Treaty.

Press Release: A New International Treaty to Address Damage that may Result from Living Modified Organisms Opens for Signature.

Message from Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, on the occasion of International Women's Day 2011.

Statement by Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, on the occasion of The Ministerial Conference on the occasion of the Fourth Regular Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, 11 March 2011, Bali, Indonesia.

Statement by Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, on the occasion of the Southern Africa Regional Capacity-Building Workshop, 14 March, Kasane, Botswana.

Statement by Mr Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, On the occasion of the Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation and Capacity Building Workshop on REDD-Plus, Including on Relevant Biodiversity Safeguards, Singapore, 15 - 18 March 2011

Press Release: Study under the Convention on Biodiversity Identifies Economic Incentives as A Key to Saving Biodiversity.

Communiqué: The Global Environment Facility establishes a dedicated Trust Fund for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing.