Statement by Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of World Oceans Day 2022
Protecting global biodiversity receives boost as 29 countries pledge over $5 billion to the Global Environment Facility
Statement by Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity on the occasion of World Health Day
UN Biodiversity Convention announces slogan for the 2022 International Day for Biological Diversity
Governments advance negotiations on ambitious global biodiversity framework but require more time
Statement by Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of World Water Day
Statement by Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of World Water Day
Statement by Ms. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive secretary of the convention on biological diversity, at the joint opening plenary of the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (part II); the third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (part II); and the third meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (part II), 14 March 2022
Nations Convene in Geneva to Set Stage for UN Biodiversity Conference (COP-15), Advance Text of Proposed Framework to Safeguard Nature
Statement by Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of International Women's Day
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