Director of the Biodiversity and Policy Division, Ministry of the Environment, Japan, visits the Secretariat.
Message from Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of World Water Day, 22 March 2009.
Press Release - High-level Working Group on the Future of a Global Policy for Biodiversity and Ecosystems.
Discours du Secretaire executif, M. Ahmed Djoghlaf, à l'occasion de la dixieme Conference Alpine, Evian, France, 12 Mars, 2009.
Message from Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary, on the occasion of International Women's Day, 8 March 2009.
Statement by the Executive Secretary, Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, at the UNEP Informal Strategic Consultation on Sustainability beyond 2010: Perspectives from Experiences, Nairobi, 15 February 2009.
Monthly Bulletin of Activities (MBA) of the CBD, February 2009.
Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Exeutive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, at the Opening of the Expert Workshop on the Development of the City Biodiversity Index, Singapore 10-12 February 2009.
Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary, at the
Meeting of Steering Committee Global Form on Oceans, Coasts and Islands, Washington DC, USA, 5 - 6 February 2009.
Opening Remarks on behalf of the Executive Secretary at the Regional Capacity Development Workshop for the Pacific on National Biodiversity Strategies, Biodiversity Mainstreaming and the Integration of Climate Change, 2 February 2009, Nadi, Fiji.
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