International news

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Message of the CBD Executive Secretary, Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, on the occasion of the World Oceans Day, 8 June 2014

The June 2014 edition of the CBD's business.2020 magazine puts the focus on Canada, looking at some of the issues affecting business and biodiversity in the host country of the Secretariat, and includes a feature interview with Pierre Gratton, President of the Mining Association of Canada.

Statement of the CBD Executive Secretary, Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, on the occasion of World Environment Day - 5 June 2014: "Raise your voice, not the sea level"

Statement by Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, on the occasion of the Sub-Regional Capacity-Building Workshop on the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing for West Asia and North Africa, 1 - 5 June 2014 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

To avoid landscape fragmentation and loss of species and habitats for biodiversity, participants to a three-day workshop in Kurupukari, Guyana, have agreed on a Regional Action Plan related to biological corridors, connectivity conservation and trans-boundary conservation within the Guiana Shield Ecoregion.

Statement by Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, on the occasion of the Fifth Assembly of the Global Environment Facility, Cancun, Mexico, Thursday 29 May 2014

On the International Day for Biological Diversity, celebrated under the theme of Island Biodiversity, islands are taking action to effectively conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable livelihoods. These actions, or "Bright Spots," point the way towards sustainable development for island ecosystems and beyond.

Islands are taking action to effectively conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable livelihoods. Despite significant vulnerabilities facing islands, leaders of island countries and countries with islands have made visionary commitments at local, national, regional and global levels.

Islands and their surrounding near-shore marine areas constitute unique irreplaceable ecosystems often comprising many plant and animal species that are found nowhere else on Earth. They are also key to the livelihood, economy, well-being and cultural identity of 600 million islanders-one-tenth of the world's population. Read Messages of support from the United Nations Secretary General, the President of the United Nations General Assembly, the Executive Secretary to the CBD and others.

Statement by Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, on the occasion of the Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protocol for the Caribbean, Georgetown, Guyana, 19 May - 22 May 2014