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Statement by Mr. Braulio F. de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, to the 43rd Meeting of the Council of the GEF, Washington DC, US, 13 November 2012

As we remember her, let us be inspired by her tireless energy, by her commitment to making a better world for all and by her leadership and vision.

Press Release: At United Nations Biodiversity Conference, countries agree to double resources for biodiversity protection by 2015 - Special attention for biodiversity-rich marine areas among other key outcomes.

At COP 11, the CBD Executive Secretary has invited Parties and partners to become Biodiversity Champions by making pledges to suport the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

In its inaugural remarks at the High-Level Segment of COP 11, Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, launched the Hyderabad Pledge by announcing that the Government of India has earmarked US$ 50 million to strengthen the institutional mechanism for biodiversity conservation in India.

Opening remarks by Braulio Ferreira De Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the CBD to the eleventh meeting of the COP, Hyderabad, India, 8 October 2012

Press Release: Biodiversity Conservation can Improve Human Health in World's Growing Cities, says UN assessment

Press Release: Action in support of Biodiversity urgently needed: UN Meeting on Biodiversity opens in Hyderabad India

Press Release: The UN Meeting on Biosafety Ends with An Agreement to Advance Work on the Issue of Socioeconomic Considerations Regarding Living Modified Organisms

The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, and the National Biodiversity Authority are hosting an International Biodiversity Film Festival and Forum in Hyderabad as part of COP-11 in association with CMS Environment. The festival includes screening of more than 50 best of Indian and international films on biodiversity issues and COP-11 agenda for the festival delegates from Oct 09 - 19, 2012. Countries participating in COP-11 are invited to propose acclaimed films on Biodiversity and other environmental issues for presentation in Hyderabad during COP-11.