International news
COP10 Outcome: Saker Falcon
SPREP hires Convention on Migratory Species Pacific Officer (CMSPO) Penina Solomona
COP10 Outcome: Argali Mountain Sheep under CMS Protection
2012 Pablo Canevari Award: Call for Nominations
2012/001: Saker Falcon Task Force
The Saker Falcon Task Force (STF) was established by Resolution 10.28, adopted at the 10th Conference of the Parties (COP10) to CMS, held in Bergen, Norway, in November 2011.
COP10 Outcome: Migratory Manta Ray under CMS Protection
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema Takes Up New Assignment in Nairobi
Lahcen El Kabiri Retires
International Symposium on Community-Based Natural Resource Management
2011/004: Interim Arrangements for the Secretariat of CMS
At both the 38th meeting of the CMS Standing Committee and the10th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties in Bergen Norway in November, 2011, Ms.