International news
Opinion: Man Bites Shark
Sharks have long been portrayed as man-eaters, a menace to any swimmer brave (or foolish) enough to share the water with them. But this perception could not be further from reality.
Winners of the World Migratory Bird Day Competition Announced
Held under the World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2014 campaign theme “Destination Flyways: Migratory Birds and Tourism”, the WMBD Photo Competition aimed to highlight the potential of sustainable tourism to be a tool for protection of migratory birds and their habitats.
21st Advisory Committee Meeting Tackles Bycatch, the No. 1 Threat for Small Cetaceans
Gothenburg/Bonn – The ASCOBANS Advisory Committee, a body set up to provide advice and information to Party States on the conservation and management of small cetaceans, convened its 21st meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden, from 29 September to 1 October 2014. The day before, on 28 September, the North Sea Group – a steering group for the Conservation Plan for the Harbour Porpoise in the North Sea – held its 4th meeting.
Saker Falcon Global Action Plan (SakerGAP) Published and Available Online!
Saker Falcon (adult female) © Gabor Papp
The Coordinating Unit of the CMS Raptors MOU is pleased to announce that the Saker Falcon Falco cherrug Global Action Plan (SakerGAP) has been published and is freely available online at the CMS 11th Conference of the Parties website.
CMS COP11 Topics Discussed at Preparatory Workshop in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Bishkek/Bonn, 2 October 2014- The UNEP/CMS Secretariat successfully completed the Central Asia regional preparatory workshop for the 11th Conference of the Parties to CMS (COP11).
2014/027: Progress on COP11 Documentation
Draft Resolutions
2014/026: High Level Ministerial Panel
The UNEP/CMS Secretariat is pleased to inform you that additional information regarding the High Level Ministerial Panel to be held on 3 November at the COP venue has been made available here inclu
Asian Countries Agree on Roadmap for the Conservation of Large Mammals
Bishkek, 25 September 2014 – Government and civil society representatives and key experts from 14 Asian countries agreed on a joint initiative to strengthen the conservation of 14 large mammal species that move across Central Asia such as the Saiga antelope, Mongolian gazelle, Snow leopard, Wild Camel and Argali mountain sheep.
CMS COP11 Topics Discussed at Preparatory Workshop in Zimbabwe
Harare/Bonn, 24 September 2014 - The Government of Zimbabwe together with the UNEP/CMS Secretariat and UNEP/DELC successfully completed the regional preparatory workshop for the 11th Conference of the Parties to CMS (COP11) held in Harare, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 2014.
Experts get together in Beijing to discuss conservation of key sites for migratory birds in the Yellow Sea
Bonn, 23 September 2014 - Flyways around the world include key stopover sites that are essential for migratory birds to rest and refuel before continuing their journey. Delaware Bay in the Eastern Americas Flyway and the Wadden Sea in the African-Eurasian Flyway are good examples of such critical sites.