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Biodiversity Convention Secretariat Signs Historic Agreement with Brazilian State of Paraná to Offset Emissions.

3 Heads of State, 87 Ministers to Open Biodiversity High Level Conference.

Biodiversity added to the agenda of Hokkaido Toyako G8 Summit. G8 Environmental Ministers issue the "Kobe Call for Action for Biodiversity".

Urban Biodiversity and the Role of Cities in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use discussed at Bonn Biodiversity Conference.

The "Green Wave" launched at the UN Bonn Biodiversity Summit.

UN Biodiversity Convention Secretariat teams up with Europe's Bern Convention to stop the lost of biodiversity in Europe.

Press release: Biodiversity needed to feed the world, the International Day for Biological Diversity 22 May 2008.

Message from the Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf to the participants of the Conference of the Competence Network Urban Ecology "Urban Biodiversity & Design - Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity in towns and Cities" Erfurt, Germany 21-24 May 2008.

The Executive Secretary of the Convention, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, is pleased to invite you to the second CBD Linnaeus Lectures series highlighting major issues related to biological diversity - and our collective efforts to protect it worldwide. Speakers: Klaus Töpfer (Former Executive Director of UNEP) & Jeffrey Sachs (Director of the Earth Institute). Date: 23 May 2008

Press release; Governments open meeting in Bonn to take action on declining biodiversity resources.