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2025/003: Important Shark and Ray Areas

This is the second Notification of the 2024-2026 triennium providing an update on the implementation of CMS Decisions 14.61 and 14.64 Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISR

UN Wildlife Treaty Releases New Reports on Importance of Community-Led Conservation

Community-led conservation strategies can be instrumental for the successful conservation of migratory species according to two major reports released by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), a global wildlife treaty of the United Nations. The report Community Participation and Livelihoods focuses on 10 key guiding principles for community-led conservation strategies, while the study Potential for Community-Based Wildlife Management in Central Asia presents real-world insights into how community-led initiatives can achieve biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods.

2025/002: Call for Reports on the Implementation of the Action Plan to Address Aquatic Wild Meat Harvests in West Africa

Decision 14.190 c)[1] requests Parties that are Range States to the Action Plan to Address Aquatic Wild Meat Harvests in West Africa to

2025/001: Decisions Related to Conservation Implications of Animal Culture and Social Complexity for Potential Action by Parties

With reference to Decision 14.230 a)[1], the Secretariat herewith requests Parties to submit information on actions take

Continued Progress on Conservation Measures for Central Asia’s Iconic Migratory Land Species

Government representatives, experts, and civil society organizations gathered to discuss pressing conservation issues for two iconic Central Asian migratory species: the Argali Sheep and the Bukhara Deer.  At the 3rd meeting of the Signatories to the CMS’s Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Conservation and Restoration of the Bukhara Deer (Cervus elaphus bactrianus) (Bukhara Deer MOU) and the First Range State Meeting on the Implementation and Revision of the International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Argali (Ovis ammon), participants agreed upon a number of new measures aimed at improving the conservation status of the two species.  

2024/027: Call for Funding And Nominations for Vulture Working Group

This Notification relates to CMS Resolution 12.10 (Rev.COP14) and Decisions 14.148, 14:49 and 14.155 Conservation of African Eurasian Vultures.

2024/026: Dates, Arrangements and Registration for the 56th Meeting of the CMS Standing Committee

The 56th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the CMS will take place from 25 to 27 March 2024 in Bonn, Germany.

World Migratory Bird Day Unveils 2025 Conservation Theme: Creating Bird-Friendly Cities & Communities

The partners behind World Migratory Bird Day are happy to announce that the theme for the 2025 campaign will be dedicated to creating bird-friendly cities and communities. Next year's campaign will highlight the need for a healthy coexistence between humans and birds. It will focus on creating and adapting environments that support migratory bird populations across all communities, from bustling cities to smaller towns and communities. There are actions everyone can take to protect our shared spaces with wildlife. 

2024/025: Renewable Energy and Migratory Species

The CMS Energy Task Force was established by Resolution 11.27 (Rev.COP13).

2024/024: Call for Support for the Programme of Work for the Intersessional Period between COP14 and COP15

The Secretariat is pleased to share the final Programme of Work for the intersessional period bet