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2025/012: Global Workshop on CMS Legislation – Dates, Venue and Registration

The CMS Secretariat is pleased to announce the first Global Workshop on CMS Legislation.

Statement from Amy Fraenkel, Executive Secretary of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) on World Wildlife Day 2025

Wildlife Conservation Finance: Investing in People and Planet

2025/011: CMS Jaguar Initiative

Draft Programme of Work on Jaguar 

2025/010: Funding Opportunity for Wildlife Health

The Secretariat of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) would like to bring to your attention the funding opportunity of “Natur

Investing in Biodiversity: Unlocking Greater Returns

The Liaison Group of Biodiversity-related Conventions (BLG), a long-standing network uniting the executive heads of the eight biodiversity-related conventions, met on 21 February 2025 at FAO Headquarters in Rome ahead of the resumed sessions of the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP16). The group reaffirmed their collective support to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). 

2025/009: First Meeting of the Working Group on the Implementation of the Single Species Action Plan for the Angelshark (Squatina Squatina) in the Mediterranean Sea (Angelshark Med WG1)

The Secretariat is pleased to invite Range States and relevant stakeholders to the First Meeting of the Working Group on the Implementation of the Single Species Action

2025/008: Junior Professional Officer

The Secretariat would like to draw attention to Resolution 14.2 on “Finance an

2025/007: Call for Proposals for the African Elephant Fund

The Secretariat would like to inform the African Elephant Range States that the eleventh round of calls for proposals for the

2025/006: Call for Additional Members and Observers of the Intersessional Working Group on the Samarkand Strategic Plan on Migratory Species

CMS Decision 14.2 requests the Standing Committee to continue the work of the Intersessional Working Group on the Samarkand Strategic Plan for Migratory Species (IWG SP

2025/005: Call for Reports on the Implementation of the Single Species Action Plan for the Atlantic Humpback Dolphin

Decision 14.81 d) requests Parties that are Range States to the Atlantic Humpback Dolphin (Sousa teuszii) to: